

Nizar Hassan


Nizar is a Lebanese organiser, researcher and podcaster based in Beirut. He is a co-founder of the progressive political movement LiHaqqi, he researches workers rights and social movements, and co-hosts The Lebanese Politics Podcast.

Comment: Lebanon's political class displays a tolerance for stalling that contrasts strikingly with the sense of urgency that the situation demands, writes Nizar Hassan.

15 March, 2021

Comment: Tripoli and its revolutionary youth must resist a reality in which their deaths are seen as an affordable crime by the ruling class, writes Nizar Hassan.

29 January, 2021

Comment: By returning Hariri to the premiership, Lebanon's ruling class has completed a counterrevolutionary cycle that started with his resignation under popular pressure one year earlier, writes Nizar Hassan.

09 November, 2020

Comment: The 'new contract' Macron proposes for Lebanon will allow corrupt elites to remain in power, while selling the country out to French interests, writes Nizar Hassan.

03 September, 2020

Comment: Diab's government was built to fail and based on impossible promises. Its resignation is far from enough for a devastated people looking for justice and change, writes Nizar Hassan.

11 August, 2020

Comment: Lebanon's oligarchs have avoided taking necessary action, sabotaged IMF negotiations, and are now seeking an impossible solution. All at the expense of people's savings and livelihoods writes Nizar Hassan.

28 July, 2020

Comment: The US illegally rescued alleged torture mastermind Amer Fakhoury, exposing both US and Lebanese disregard for national sovereignty, writes Nizar Hassan.

23 March, 2020

Comment: There are good reasons for Lebanon to default and restructure its debt, writes Nizar Hassan.

21 February, 2020

Comment: Attacks on Lebanese banks have been portrayed as irresponsible and 'thuggish', but they too, participate in a corrupt system that has entrenched the country for decades, writes Nizar Hassan.

20 January, 2020

Comment: For Lebanon, the hard work of defining our future, and ensuring it is not co-opted by other forces starts now, writes Nizar Hassan.

30 October, 2019